Food cart vendor (5th Ave)
Lower Manhattanites Love NY...they're not so found of Sandy. (West Village)
First things first, open the liquor stores! (6th Ave)
Flashlight salesman (6th Ave)
It sucks when your next door deluxe apartment neighbor has power and you don't. (6th Ave)
Kids will go to great lengths to change public opinion when candy is involved. (West Village)
BP down. (East Village)
Sandy...bad for mass transit...good for bicycle awareness. (Manhattan Bridge)
People still somehow find ways to consume mass amounts of crap without electricty. (West Village)
Powerman patrolling the empty streets of Blackout City. (West Village)
Payphones making a comeback. (East Village)
Last human in Blackout City with a laptop charge. (West Village)
Isolated? Alone? (West Village)
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