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The 3 Amigos

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The 3 Amigos
I met these 3 nice guys over by Union Square. I interacted mainly with the gentleman with the beard in the robe and surf shorts...sadly, I've forgotten all their I'll have to call him Sam. Sam asked me if I could pick up some sushi for him (salmon or tuna). I obliged. When I came back he was nowhere to be found, but the gentleman on the right had dropped by...I'll have to call him Joe. I admired his Jesus neck tattoo. Apparently, Joe and Sam hadn't met and there was all sorts of friction when Sam returned to find Joe rummaging through his stuff on his block. Luckily, Mike came by who was a mutual friend and smoothed things over between the two. Sam thought it a good time for a group photo, and being quite the showman, he thought it would be fun to do the leg across the group thing. Unfortunately, they weren't very stable to begin with and Joe was a bit too generous of Sam's flexibility. Well it all came crashing down, much to Sam's dismay. As you can see Mike sustained an elbow injury, but kept his spirits up. I wished them all a good day, hoped they enjoyed the sushi, and went on my way.

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Anonymous on 07-26-2011 06:07:11 wrote:
Nice T-shirt. Does this guy deliver their Social Security checks?
Shitaki on 08-05-2011 02:08:25 wrote:
How old school of you Anonymous...I believe everything is direct deposited these days.

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