...I honestly thought I was looking at a new iteration of 'Be Stupid' from Diesel Jeans.
Presumably the Mormons are looking to counter all the bad publicity surrounding The Book of Mormon (and everyone thought I was crazy when I said Team America deserved an Oscar...now you give Parker & Stone 9 Tony's) with some positive messaging about how 'normal' Mormons really are.
Not sure how successful this campaign is going to be for the Mormons though...luckily they did decide to shorten their slightly more verbose first crack at the concept...'Oh God, I am such a complete freakin' Mormon!'
p.s. No Shiz doesn't mean to pick on the Mormons...we feel we have an equal concern to pick on all theism...not that there's anything wrong with it...well except for the hating groups unlike yours and the whole killing in the name of it part.
p.s.s. The Great Salt Lake sure gets some bitchin' swells this time of year.
p.s.s.s Mit Romney is a Mormon.
Presumably the Mormons are looking to counter all the bad publicity surrounding The Book of Mormon (and everyone thought I was crazy when I said Team America deserved an Oscar...now you give Parker & Stone 9 Tony's) with some positive messaging about how 'normal' Mormons really are.
Not sure how successful this campaign is going to be for the Mormons though...luckily they did decide to shorten their slightly more verbose first crack at the concept...'Oh God, I am such a complete freakin' Mormon!'
p.s. No Shiz doesn't mean to pick on the Mormons...we feel we have an equal concern to pick on all theism...not that there's anything wrong with it...well except for the hating groups unlike yours and the whole killing in the name of it part.
p.s.s. The Great Salt Lake sure gets some bitchin' swells this time of year.
p.s.s.s Mit Romney is a Mormon.
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